Why? You have all the required information to make an educated decision for yourself. Others do too. Allow them to decide without harassment.
I quit smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol years ago now. As the calculus changed, my habits followed suit. Everyone should be allowed to choose how they live.
> To refuse a beer in Germany is an affront that I would like to weigh against the risk of cancer.
Who is harassing who if someone feels that their choice of not drinking beer will cause affront? Hoping that cultural norms will change and it will cease to be an affront to refuse a drink is not harassing. People exerting social pressure on others who refuse a beer is. That is why I'm hoping any such practices disappear.
Exactly for the reason you state, to allow each to decide without harassment.
Refusing a cigarette used to have a similar insult; and also you weren’t cool if you refused
That’s changed after decades of press and cancer warning labels on tobacco.
Let’s hope the same happens with alcohol.