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Show HN: GoodQuestion: A job interview note taking and collaboration tool (goodquestion.io)
9 points by TristanTucker on Feb 10, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Hi HackerNews,

I have created a note taking app designed to make the panel interview process more efficient and less painful.

The app allows panel interview members to collaborate on questions to ask in the interview, share notes and scores and even has AI input to suggest interview questions. It's all designed with the interviewer in mind as from experience, this is often a messy and mostly handwritten process that doesn't scale.

I'd love your thoughts!

I should also add I am happy to provide logins so everyone can get in and play with the tool.

Also happy with feedback from the esteemed community on the likelihood a tool like this would be useful to you.

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