To be honest, I think just about anyone could learn to fly a western jet in three months. However, fighting it is a different story.
If you have experience with the Mig-29 then the F-16 won't be a big deal to learn honestly. Mig-29 is a death trap by comparison. I think the biggest deal would be getting used to the low displacement side stick and the fire control. Fly by wire and superior avionics make the thing much easier to train on. It's been intentionally made simple for export anyways.
If you have experience with the Mig-29 then the F-16 won't be a big deal to learn honestly. Mig-29 is a death trap by comparison. I think the biggest deal would be getting used to the low displacement side stick and the fire control. Fly by wire and superior avionics make the thing much easier to train on. It's been intentionally made simple for export anyways.