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I don't use Phone, nor Maps, nor Youtube, nor Kubernetes, all the things you listed.

They're helpful to you, not me.

You literally said "made human life better" ... it doesn't matter if you use them or not.

Also, you don't use a Phone? or Maps? Really? Do you use Chrome? Do you use Firefox, because Google's contributed a massive amount to the web standards that are implemented in both Firefox, and Chrome.

As far as i know, all serious libraries now always have first class TS library client. Is it an improvement, to Java, JS, or C,.... ?

this setup and response seem a little silly to me. "what did the romans ever do for me?" "roads? aquaducts?" "ha! I don't go anywhere and drink well water!"

It's fine right ? Life gives you many choices.

But no man is an island, the minimum reproductive unit of homo sapiens is a village, etc.

You may not use those things directly, but you're dependent on those who do.

Just because Google has it, it doesn't mean a mean to an end.

There're choices for you to make. It's your choice.

"I don't use phone"

You have already lost the argument. I'm sorry but nobody would care about anything you say because that almost just does not apply to anyone else.

Also the fact that those products have no effects on you has nothing to do with whether a company is important or if their products are significant or helpful to the vast majority of human population.

And to be a bit cynical, it feels the only purpose of this comment is to show that you have a unique lifestyle, not to contribute to the discussion constructively or based on consensus. (Of which there are many on HN)

Actually i can answer more clearly on the why Typescript (example) improved human life.

I used it, and also guided other juniors to implement real world products which're running in production to help others human life in a very short time, in a maintainable way.

This was impossible before with old toolings.

Is it more clear to you ? I'm also sorry for not so clearly said, but that's how conversation works ;)

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