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Why Wyndly raised $2M and things we wished we'd known (wyndly.com)
45 points by ahstilde on Feb 8, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

It's wild that your blog, and probably your introduction to a lot of people, still has that damn pop-up once I've read two paragraphs. I was actually interested in what you do, and now I'm commenting on HN and going on to the next story.

They also add their company logo as a watermark to screenshots of other people's tweets. I don't like the feeling I get from this site.

Can you elaborate on the feeling you get from our site?

Thank you for that feedback!

This is just regurgitated PaulG quotes and a sales pitch.

This was exactly my thought as well as I finished the blog post. Don't get me wrong, it's a short but helpful blog, but 4 out of 4 points all have a PaulG quote in there.

I don't deign to think I know better than Paul G.

Congrats on the raise!

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