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Leaving Wave, Joining Anthropic (benkuhn.net)
1 point by zeptonaut22 on Feb 8, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

This is a blog post by Ben Kuhn about why he's leaving Wave (where he was CTO) and joining the AI startup Anthropic.

Anthropic just raised $300MM from Google and - perhaps more interestingly - was founded by and employs many of the authors of the paper that underpins modern machine learinng models, [Attention is all you need](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762).

Wave, Ben's previous company, is a big deal in Africa. In Ben's own words, "When mobile money succeeded in Kenya, (Suri and Jack 2016) found that it lifted 2% of all Kenyan households—almost a million people—out of extreme poverty. I think Wave has a strong chance of doing the same for the rest of sub-Saharan Africa!

Point being, Ben is someone who I'm always impressed thinks so deeply about his work and I'm more optimistic about Anthropic knowing that he's involved.

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