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>She’s working essentially three jobs and is extremely tired - is that really autistic burnout, or just regular exhaustion?

I think where the autism factors into this is that she literally doesn't realise exactly how she's harming herself, or what she needs to do to "recharge her batteries".

I know for a fact I wasn't even cognizant of the fact that I had physical and emotional needs until I was in the latter half of my 20's, and even now a lot of my "self-awareness" is second-hand observations from others.

Currently working with a 22 year old on the spectrum going through exactly the same thing, and the hardest part is seeing her repeat my mistakes. I guess that's just life...

> I know for a fact I wasn't even cognizant of the fact that I had physical and emotional needs until I was in the latter half of my 20's, and even now a lot of my "self-awareness" is second-hand observations from others.

How much of that do you had more to do with upbringing or environment?

>How much of that do you had more to do with upbringing or environment?

Honestly, I'd be surprised if it had much to do with upbringing at all. Even in healthy families, Autistics just don't have the sense of self that Neurotypicals do.

If anything, introspection skills in Autistics are worse than being able to read the emotions at others. It's at least possible to visually and audibly perceive changes in the body language/tone of others.

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