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adb pm uninstall is pretty strong on stock unrooted Android

This functionality can ONLY be accessed via ADB. It is DIFFERENT from "hiding."

You can break lots of stuff, even Google spyware (Play framework), which is the evidence I need that adb pm uninstall actually works to disable prepackaged manufacturer malware!

Don't wait - try it today: https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater

pretty sure that just removes it for current user. the app still sits around on the image bloating things up that way. although it does save a little space.

You can uninstall for all users using the adb helper tool I don't know the command line to do it manually.

Yes it's not removed but at least the guarantee it won't run is quite strong.

True... but in that case isn't it the same thing as using the "uninstall" feature in Android app management settings for bundled apps that just deactivates and removes all updates, basically just keeping the bundled installer?

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