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After all the buzz of decentralization, AI is going to be the new era of centralization. One AI interface to rule them all.

Thats a very interesting point, are all the web3 folks looking the wrong way?

There are a number of decentralized AI projects in that space. However, based on how effective web3 has been competitively against other big tech competitors for search and social media, they will need to be an order of magnitude more successful than on previous efforts.

Most projects are focused on privacy, user control and being censorship resistant. Which are all important, just not that important to the majority of everyday consumers who will take features and convenience over those other benefits. If decentralized AI is going to be competitive, it must actually be better along the lines of its actual features that enhance productivity.

Hey look, a decentralized chatbot running BLOOMZ-176B (an open source LLM about the size of GPT-3)


I'm contributing to the project by running a node in my garage with a single RTX 3060ti in it, and you can too: https://github.com/bigscience-workshop/petals

It's early days, but the tech is super promising.

Thanks, I'm aware there are actually numerous decentralized AI projects, but until proven otherwise, their success is unlikely. Outside of cryptocurrency, there just hasn't been much success challenging the big tech institutions.

Decentralized search and social media never gained traction. It turns out that the majority of people just aren't that interested in privacy and freedom. Features and convenience still win. If decentralized AI is going to be successful, it will have to compete head to head for features and convenience. I do hope that it is successful.

Nonetheless, decentralization is just one major hurdle. I have numerous concerns about the application of the tech overall. Too much to put into this post, but if you are interested I've written much more here.


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