Who wouldn't want to join now? 14 open positions that couldn't be filled by 89 current employees ... what an opportunity to learn and grow, err, "push humanity forward" (in a downward direction)! https://boards.greenhouse.io/protocollabs
This is the worst. I was at a startup one time that laid off people who had the right skillsets to fill the roles they were actively hiring for. It sucks when they don’t dogfood current people on the chopping block for open roles.
> This is the worst. I was at a startup one time that laid off people who had the right skillsets to fill the roles they were actively hiring for.
To me this sounds like these firing spirals have zero to do with results and revenue and the economy, and everything to do with conspiring against their own staff.
I think it's far more banal that conspiracy. I think these people are just not very good managers and they don't care much about the people they hire. And that they are rewarded for performing toughness, as indicated by being tough not with themselves, but the people they have power over.
Woefully under-utilized talent before the layoff, followed by a drastic headcount reduction.
Those affected ranged from “yea I can see why” to “complete footgun letting this person go, GG”
For me personally, being free and with time now feels amazing. I no longer feel like my skills are stagnating or my brain is curdling. In retrospect, I think the politics may have screwed me…