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An even deadlier pandemic may soon be here (nytimes.com)
5 points by yonibot on Feb 4, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

> As the world is just beginning to recover from the devastation of Covid-19

To be more accurate, most of the devastation was from the ludicrous coordinated over reaction to a low IFR virus and the economic gravitational pull of trillions of dollars world wide created to pay for it.

One facet of soothsaying regarding "complex systems" (as the author likes to announce themselves a student of) is that, over time people hope to use the fog of temporal progression to hide the failure of their complex system predicted outcomes based on their expertise. This author routinely supported and lent credentialed support to hyper authoritarian responses, even years after the problem evaporated, which we now know to have been a waste of time money and life. The same author now denies they did any such thing.


I've seen it in business a lot. A project funded well, goes off the rails. But no one wants to admit the failure so a face saving pivot is devised so none of the stakeholders have to take responsibility. Same goes for the people who find value and personal elevation in the new found authoritarianism of public health hysteria.

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