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What New Weight Loss Drugs Teach Us About Fat and Free Will (nytimes.com)
3 points by paulpauper on Feb 4, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Let me guess: nothing

I suppose that depends on what you think you know.

Thanks for the archive link, just read the article.

Yea, I mean, all of this seems quite obvious. Hunger/appetite is a biochemically regulated system just like thirst or pretty much any other desire is. As the article points out, this has been demonstrated as early as the late 1800s. It is also quite obvious to anyone who's ever dieted.

I also think people seem to be casting these new drugs and this "what it teaches us" in a completely wrong light. They seem to use it as an excuse or nihilistic "see, it's impossible to lose weight!" thing just because the answer isn't "just use a lot of willpower." The answer is, of course, to keep looking for answers, not to throw our hands up until these drugs will save us.

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