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We also looked at using Cloudflare, but it was prohibitively expensive, because you pay for the duration of each "room" (Connection, depending on how you use it).


Eventually we went with Centrifuge.

Yeah, it remains to be seen whether it is economical for us to keep the hosted version on CF. I suspect that for users who want to run their own geographically distributed instance of it, CF will be the path that makes sense for the majority of them.

Who did you end up going with as a hosting provider? (Centrifuge looks to be a library, if I’m looking at the right thing)

https://github.com/centrifugal/centrifugo (Server/Admin)

https://github.com/centrifugal/centrifuge (Server core)

https://github.com/centrifugal/centrifuge-js (Library)

It's a complete solution, including server, admin panel and client library.

We're an European company and use OVH, Hetzner and others.

CF edge wants you to be more one and done, very anti connection. Deno is the better priced edgejs compute for websockets last I checked.

Probably still worthwhile for DriftDB SaaS if mainly short lived connections are used, even though similar functionality can be had with NATS bridge + an ordered streaming library in your fav language on fly.io

I can't find any mention of websockets in Deno Deploy's documentation. Last I heard they had not released anything. But I'm really hoping for more providers to copy CloudFlare's edge features, especially durable objects.

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