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> Art created with Chat GPT is not created by Chat GPT. It is created by a human using a chat GPT.

Sure, in approximately the same way that the CEO of Sunrise is an animator. Pull the other one, it's got bells on.

Yours is an utterly incoherent interpretation; when ChatGPT outputs that there are 12 characters in the word 13, I have not "created the meaning" 12. You're just fixated on this "actually I am le real artist for typing prompts" axe you want to grind, but it has fuck all to do with anything I'm saying.

You are cherry picking a dumb example. We don’t shit on paint when someone makes poop. What you should be cherry picking is examples of art that people would consider profound upon seeing it. Otherwise you’ll simply look like a dumbass when you’re implying that only trash will be generated and then beautiful stuff is generated. The fact that current ai has dumb interpretations on things is hardly a fundamental quality of generative algos.

My statement is simply that the algo’s are a tool. And tools can be used to make good art.

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