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HN is for sure a social media site.

Per Wikipedia [1], “Social media are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks.”

[1] https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media

I never said it wasn’t. Also let me make it absolutely clear that I anticipated the reply to my comment before I hit the reply button on my initial comment.

Life is predictable like that.

All good, though indirectly you did, since you’re obviously using HN, but said, “I managed to quit all social media over the last couple of months.”

HN doesn’t leave me feeling like shit. HN to me is like old school IRC with the exception that I don’t know everyones username in the channel, but I know the vibe of the channel.

Makes absolutely no sense for a person to challenge me on the social media part if they read past that initial statement I made.

HN is a huge community with strict moderation, so whenever I do visit it - I don’t feel like I am on a soapbox social media network where anything goes.

That’s how I feel about it anyway.

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