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Doom's Most Mysterious Glitch Finally Solved After 30 Years (youtube.com)
15 points by i13e on Feb 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I'm trying to get through this video but the guy has basically repeated the same 3 sentences for the first 5 minutes.

Yeah I’m having the same experience - it’s a 14 minute video, and the first 3:30 are unnecessary right out the gate - and the real meat and potatoes could have been condensed to a quick minute or two explanation. The other creator he references a few times is much more interesting and worth your time to watch imo - all of Decino’s analysis videos are fascinating: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYZp53E4M0t_8HmPlV4m04vGK...

Some youtube videos are more like a human interface to SEO blog spam...

Karl's vids are usually longer form, he's probably not quite in his element doing a shorter video and rambled a bit.

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