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ChatGPT repeats left-leaning views on the following positions from my testing:

- That climate change is real, and that humans are causing it

- That vaccines are effective, including the COVID-19 vaccine

- That COVID-19 is not a hoax; that it is a deadly illness

- That masks are effective in limiting the transfer of airborne pathogens

- That Joe Biden won the US presidential election in 2020

- That former Pres. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii

Feel free to double check my results with ChatGPT. These are just from the top of my head, but I'd like to try more prompts if someone can think of more. From my use, there appears to be a number of issues that ChatGPT holds left-leaning positions on.

Are we really calling facts left-leaning positions now?

The only semi-debatable one is the first saying that humans are causing climate change.. although that's even a stretch but I'll agree it's "complicated".

Every other one of those is a fact.. so it's really funny to call it a left-leaning position! But.. it's also really sad at the same time.

...maybe it is the political terms that need updating: "fact-leaning positions", and its opposite.

I hate to be the one to break it, but this isn’t going to have nearly the reception you thought it was. Try /r/politics, my friend.

> - That climate change is real, and that humans are causing it

Not a political point. This is fact.

> - That vaccines are effective, including the COVID-19 vaccine

Not a political point. This is fact.

> - That COVID-19 is not a hoax; that it is a deadly illness

Not a political point. This is fact.

> - That masks are effective in limiting the transfer of airborne pathogens

Not a political point. This is fact.

> - That Joe Biden won the US presidential election in 2020

Not a political point. This is fact.

> - That former Pres. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii

Not a political point. This is fact.

Any others?

I think you may have been whooshed here.

No worries, it took about 10 seconds to copy paste that

Nice bait! All other replies seem to fall for it.

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