What a shitty website. Throws up a modal dialog that says:
This site uses cookies
By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts.
No option to decline some or all cookies. No option to keep using the website without clicking accept. I hope some European sues them and wins under GDPR.
Why would they put such a message if they didn't have the GDPR in mind?
I think like many other (mainly US) sites it's partly to make a statement, and partly misguided belief that they have to put some kind of message.
In reality it would be safer to ignore GDPR if you believe it shouldn't apply to you because you're not EU based. If you're doing something specifically for EU visitors then it becomes clear you're also targeting them as visitors and then you have to comply with GDPR (this popup isn't compliant).
Not sure what device you're on, but on desktop Firefox, I see a "Show Purposes" button and have the option to configure which cookies I want and don't.
It's being downvoted because comments like these are against the guidelines[0]:
Please don't complain about tangential annoyances—e.g. article or website formats, name collisions, or back-button breakage. They're too common to be interesting.
Seems fair. Why should they treat their (voluntary) web-visitors any better than the owners/pilots of the aircraft they collect data from without any form of consent?