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Show HN:What do you want or expect from an antidetect browser (morelogin.com)
1 point by kennethc on Jan 31, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Hi HN! I'm one of the creators of MoreLogin and we're happy (and once again very nervous) to release this on HN. MoreLogin is an anti-detection browser, and the fact that there are already many anti-detection browsers on the market, even though we've been iterating on our anti-association capabilities to reach the top tier of the market, doesn't seem to feel like much to users. We have also thought about developing features specifically for crypto users, such as specifically developing trading platforms and wallets that can connect to mt5 and coinigy, and making automated trading robots to support them, as well as developing features specifically for marketers, such as ensuring the success rate of account registration. We think it's a cool idea, but it's all just based on our own ideas and we really don't know if it's useful and if people will pay for it. So we wanted to see what needs people had for this kind of tool, this kind of browser, and what we could go to meet them.

Since last year, we've been trying to talk to customers and write code. We've found that in-house tools (for example, for managing delivery) are a good use case for a visual programming language like Retool.

Basically, Retool provides you with components (text input, drop-down lists, tables, etc.) and queries (easy connections to APIs, SQL databases, etc.). In FRP fashion, they can interact with each other. Thus, your tables can extract data from the query, and buttons can extract data from selected rows of the table.

When we show people Retool, they usually think "Oh! This is the visual foundation of the web!". .". In many ways - it is! Maybe that's something you think is great - maybe not. Anyway, I'd love to hear HN's thoughts. :)

Here's the intro video we made a while back - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW4O8yXe4r4

Any feedback or questions are welcome! :) Thanks!

> Basically, Retool provides you with components

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