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epicureanideal on Jan 30, 2023 | hide | past | favorite

You come across as being a bit fragile whilst complaining about being recommended to read White Fragility. Just seeing a recommendation for that book - not a requirement to read it - appears to cause consternation. I find this ironic.

Note that the center of American politics has very much moved rightward the past 50 years. What is moderate today is extreme by standards of the past. Getting pushback on this is an inevitability if the direction of the country leans toward true moderation by shifting the center leftward. Your idea of moderate may no longer be what the majority views as moderate.

It is undeniable that whites in the U.S. have been given a lopsided share of the wealth of the country and being made aware of the consequences of this is a good thing.

The fact that you think unconscious bias training is anti moderate/conservative says a lot about you...

Probably still 90%+ welcoming, by your criteria: https://www.usa.gov/join-military

A textbook example of (the correct meaning of) begging the question.

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