and are different applications running on different servers.
We recently migrated our WordPress instance to a new machine, but not all of the configuration was moved over. We've put caching back in place, so it should be back to normal.
Seems to me a little investigation into the (many) ways rsyslog can be configured is in order here. It can be relatively simply configured to ship logs asynchronously, and reliably, to a remote log server, and buffer them on disk / in memory in the event the remote server is down. This is what we're doing, and it works very well.
Interesting, it had not occurred to me that a syslog server going down would take down the whole infrastructure. How long was the syslog server down for? rsyslog supports reliable forwarding, where it will buffer to memory when the server is down, then to disk when it runs out of configured memory [1].
I think the lesson is not that TCP should not be used, but rather that service-affecting code-paths should not block inappropriately.
I disagree with the conversion to UDP, and consider it an anti-pattern. In general, whenever you have many front-ends sharing a back-end service (in this case syslog), some flow-control is necessary - and UDP with no flow control will one day come back to bite you.
Consider an attack or peak load event on the front-ends, now in addition to the direct capacity problems that that may induce, you also impact your backend and control-planes by flooding a network or service with uncontrollable UDP.
As others have noted; it would be better to use non-blocking TCP I/O with some bounded queuing for retries. It's also generally a good idea to use a LIFO queue, so that when the backend is restored after an outage, the recent data takes priority over old data (for logging information the health of the live system is most important).
Sort of a silly thing to bring up, but at my previous job bitbucket was down so often we started calling it sh*tbucket. At my current gig we're on github and it seems far more reliable.
Cache link: