> And you didn’t answer the question - is there any amount of money you could be offered to work at Twitter?
I'd do it for $1024/hour on a 1099 contract with guaranteed time and a half for overtime.
As for the question in the headline: my wife lost her job just before COVID. She hasn't been back to work since because I make more than enough for both of us and by not working we were able to get rid of a car, cut various expenses in half, and have more time together since I was working from home. We went from DINK to SINK: single income, no kids.
I can honestly say that I wouldn’t work for Twitter for any amount. This isn’t because I’m “rich”. But we make enough to be comfortable. Why would I subject myself to that?
Even before I fell into my current role at $BigTech, we had our big house in the burbs in “the good school system” built when I was making only 115K in 2016. Why would I be willing to suffer now that I make twice as much? Making more money wouldn’t affect my lifestyle.
Going from local enterprise dev to working remotely for $BigTech didn’t really change anything in our lifestyle
I'd do it for $1024/hour on a 1099 contract with guaranteed time and a half for overtime.
As for the question in the headline: my wife lost her job just before COVID. She hasn't been back to work since because I make more than enough for both of us and by not working we were able to get rid of a car, cut various expenses in half, and have more time together since I was working from home. We went from DINK to SINK: single income, no kids.