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Drone downed by Iran UFO? (wired.com)
15 points by mschonfeld on Jan 11, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I'd love to give the article the attention it surely deserves, but I'm just so in awe of Arikia Millikan's Photoshop talents. I'm glad she got a credit for that header image.

Haha, you know you've entered a new cold war when they start saber-ratting about UFO's, aliens and flying saucers. Welcome to 1950.

“We invite the US government and other nations to enter into negotiation with the Foundation and The Iranian government,” he posted, “for disclosure of the full space technology to all nations simultaneously that there shall be no more war race, but a pace race [sic] to join and conquer the space and not each others little peace of lands so called nations, this offer stands and is extended to all nations irrespective of their colour, race and religion.”

In iran, judging from the success of their missiles, flying saucer technology = well executed frisbee throw. That will teach the drone pilots for flying that thing too low.

On the other hand, maybe the Iranian government is actually run by aliens. That would explain their odd behavior.

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