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I was scrolling down the list of claims and then reached "Introduction" lol

I love short sellers, Citron did a little sting in my city, Hong Kong, trying to short Evergrande with an A to Z demonstration of how it was ponzinomics, to end up being sued by our regulator for stock manipulation and being condemned years later finally to not trade in HK for years. A little while later, Evergrande's Ponzi finally collapsed. Nobody here bothered to disprove the claim, they only cared about the share price dropping too fast.

Any company claiming short sellers are evil are lying to you: they d simply buy back the shares at a discount, if they were so sure of themselves.

>to end up being sued by our regulator for stock manipulation

It could be manipulation in principle, but the instances where regulators have been corrupted and use that as an excuse are really terrifying. See: Wirecard in Germany.

Citron also claimed that a certain stock (that was shorted at more than 100 percent of outstanding shares in 2021 at the time of their claim) would be "back to 20 USD fast, we will explain soon".

They never explained and the stock never went back down to 20.

Citron is definitely part of the scamming. The fact that a scammer (Citron) scammed another scammer (Evergrande) doesn't make them good guys.

Are you talking about gamestop? it's continually drifting downwards, but even if we ignore that how does making a wrong call make them scammers? TBF to them the company is absolute shit and only being propped up by dumb money turning into a cult. Really hard to blame them for not predicting that

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