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Do you mean "upset with Mozilla"? The PWA Wikipedia article claims that Safari has better PWA support than Firefox.

Per [1], PWAs on webkit lacks push notifications, full-screen display, hardware acceleration, web bluetooth as major headline features needed, which Firefox on mobile appears to generally support per a 5-second glance (I didn't see web bluetooth, but the rest I did) [2].

That wikipedia page has a support table saying IOS supports PWAs as YES and Firefox as NO is odd considering Apple requires Mozilla to ship a crippled form of safari on IOS, if Firefox could ship their own true application, I suspect they would have better PWA support as a differentiator with Safari.

[1] https://thenewstack.io/owa-takes-on-apples-browser-ban-for-p...

[2] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Progressive_web...

> web bluetooth as major headline features needed

"web bluetooth" and many other hardware APIs are Chrome-only non-standards that OWA pretends are standards and core features for PWAs.

If I’ve read correctly [1], Safari on macOS 13 (released after the mentioned article) supports the standardized Web Push APIs.

[1] https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotifications/...

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