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Learning How to Code Is A Waste Of Time (forbes.com/sites/tarabrown)
4 points by tarabrown on Jan 11, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Interesting. This linkbait* article has 3 points and is frontpaged. The next-lowest-score frontpage article at the moment is 14pts.

* The second paragraph contradicts the headline: "The goal ‘learn how to code’ is a waste of your time. Don’t get me wrong, I applaud anyone that wants to learn something new. "

> The next-lowest-score frontpage article at the moment is 14pts.

Ranking is in part based on the time since the submission was made fwiw.

TIL "linkbait". Indeed very fitting description many submissions lately.

Learning what you don't like to do isn't nearly as useful as learning what you DO you like to do, but I wouldn't call it a waste of time.


Learning to Code is a noble and worthwhile thing to do. But don't do it just to do it, or do it at the expense or something that might be more practical for you personally.

I can relate to this, but I'm sharpening my programming skills anyway.

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