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Just curious, I'm not into Rails or Ruby at all, but given an established codebase, what's the reasoning for a big move like that? My org is doing a similar shift (C#, the legacy .NET Framework -> Elixir) and while I quite like Elixir I don't think the language change itself is doing much for us.

Wish I was more aware of the decision making process for everything but believe the move is to foster more of a micro frontend architecture where separate js packages/federated components make up the client experience. The Rails side of things is really used as an orchestration layer for the views and to handle business logic while also consuming a .NET database layer for services.

It's not really the "normal" way of using Rails but seems to function quite well on a "large scale". I agree it's probably not just the language change itself that's the reason but also due to the agility/advantages of Node compared to a Rails "monolith" - and I'm already starting to speak outside my familiarity of the architectural goals of everything

Interesting, thank you for the context. My company's current system is simpler in nature I think (three web servers processing internal and external requests, one DB server, one app server handling everything else, and that's our problem) and scales not at all. We're going from one monolith to another, but set up in a way that can be scaled out arbitrarily, and overall more flexible and robust.

Generally I'm interested in stories of these big do-overs because it hasn't been the smoothest of sailing for us.

I think if you have a sufficient number of staff for a particular project, it makes sense to rewrite parts of it now and then to gain a better understanding and also the chance to do things without making the mistakes of the past.

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