> I like the Laundry Files approach - James Bond-esque action plus Dilbert-esque bureaucratic and IT disfunction. (Also monsters.)
On re-reading old Dilbert with an eye towards modern Scott Adams, I find it harder to enjoy, but more time with Stross, e.g., on https://www.antipope.org/charlie, just makes me enjoy the Laundry Files more.
On his blog as well as his speaking engagements, Stross does mention that he tried to make politics as absurd as possible yet reality seemed to make him seem like the "straight man" in a comedy duo.
On re-reading old Dilbert with an eye towards modern Scott Adams, I find it harder to enjoy, but more time with Stross, e.g., on https://www.antipope.org/charlie, just makes me enjoy the Laundry Files more.