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In Defense of the Commute (andrewchilds.com)
3 points by andrewchilds on Jan 23, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Anyone stuck in the Hell that is a driven commute in Silicon Valley would disagree that it does anything to positively stimulate the brain.

I wouldn't argue that getting out is a good thing. Do it off drive-time peaks. Go to the park. Visit some small stores. The main thing I have noticed now after traffic has returned is it is clear that people are not paying attention to their driving. They are doing things like drifting around in lanes, making their intentions particularly difficult to guess, since no one uses turn signals here effectively.

The mental drain that driving with assholes sucks, not having to do it is great. also the risk of death from those assholes is 1 in 101. Staying at home has risks, like Fire or smoke 1 in 1,450 Choking on food 1 in 2,745 Way safer to not drive if you don't have to. We have become used to motor vehicle deaths, they are just a statistic until it happens to you.


Good point. The commute experience is very different depending on where you live, and for most of the US it likely meant sitting in rush hour traffic each day. Many of us are only a few years into the practice of working from home, and I suppose I'm trying to think through how we might get the benefits of a good commute back (I would argue the commute in NYC is a good one relative to sitting in traffic), and how more co-working spaces might help us collectively mitigate what looks like mental/physical challenges ahead as WFH becomes permanent.

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