Any simulator almost certainly lacks the numeric accuracy of the original.
I'm the primary numerical programmer behind the WP 34S ( -- essentially a superset of the 15C plus so much more. This stuff is not easy.
> Any simulator almost certainly lacks the numeric accuracy of the original.
Half the time, it's simply a result of relying on C's built in math (which pretty much translates to what your native ALU can do). I'm sure, as you allude to, the notion of doing more complicated and precise calculations is not normally considered.
Stuck on "import as" in its scons-local/ .. / Debian-packaged scons complains, instead, about syntax "except OSError , (errnum, strerror)" in top-level SConstruct, which I expect is a python3 complaint.
Also, Debian doesn't have gtk-2. Doubt it works with gtk-3.
Any simulator almost certainly lacks the numeric accuracy of the original.
I'm the primary numerical programmer behind the WP 34S ( -- essentially a superset of the 15C plus so much more. This stuff is not easy.