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Awesome work! Would you mind sharing? I live in Mexico City and would love to try horse back riding.

Sure. We're in Vallarta if you ever make it out this way. :) https://ranchoelcharro.com

Obligatory disclosure: some semblance of ownership.

Ok I HAVE to ask: why the poor woman's face on the FAQ's background photo is being attacked by an octopus?

No reason other than to get people talking.

Funny that the FAQ itself causes a frequently asked question which is answered in the FAQ.

I swear I read the FAQ and the last question was "Are you real? Sometimes. I mean, yes.". I chuckled at that one and it was the end of the page!? Or ir wasn't? OP if you just added it please tell me :) (nah, just partly joking, I'm sincerely confused though)

This is awesome. Only one minor thing about the website. On mobile when i click on "Meet Pam", the logo in the header is white and the background beige, making it unreadable.

Wish I could go to Mexico and do this! :)

The team page made me laugh out loud :D

Thanks! We get a lot of compliments on the copy. I wanted to reflect that we are indeed a Mexican horse ranch without the site being incredibly boring. There's only so many cool things you can show/say before you realize that horses aren't really all that interesting on the internet.

I live in Veracruz. Will be paying you a visit in the future!

FYI, https://www.ranchoelcharro.com/mountain-waterfall-horseback-... says "$129" at the top but "$139" at the bottom.

Not sure if the website is broken, but attempting to book 2 people and clicking a time does nothing on iOS Safari. It might be worth looking at the analytics for device distribution but I presume iOS is the bulk of your traffic, si probably worth optimising it.

I noticed this too. I think it’s because those time slots are not available (if you choose a date a couple months away, you’ll be able to click there time slot). The solution would be to print “No availability” instead of disabled time slot buttons.

Ah, nice catch; it's supposed to show an alert. Going to make this change now to be more visual, thank you for letting me know!

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