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I enjoy that the JEP process allows for nice little small things like this. This isn't "we should have lambdas" or "Let's rebuild the type system to allow List<int>". But it's still a very common annoyance, and it can be fixed.

Totally agree, and I also love that so much thought and consideration goes into how the platform gets improved over time. Doing it "right" means taking so many things into account -- many of which are subtle -- and picking the right tradeoffs. Hats off to the people quietly doing the deep work which makes everyone's lives better.

I guess Java caught up, but for a long time it was just too restrictive.

C# was so much more joy to program in for a long time, even though they were equivalent languages in safety/speed tradeoff.

C# still has a lot to learn from Java. Just today I found myself annoyed that C# doesn’t have diamond operator for inferred right hand generics.

I might be missing something, but C# lets you omit the classname in "new" entirely if the target type of the expression is known - isn't that even shorter?

I wish the JEP showed which company was behind it. It has an author but it’s just a username not a full name and doesn’t indicate the company they work for.

Why must a company be "behind" this change? 2 minutes of sleuthing seems to suggest that the author of the JEP is a freelance developer who contributes to OpenJDK independently.

Why does there need to be a company affiliation at all? Do you feel this JEP is motivated by a company's interests?

Is there a list of JEPs which includes the affiliation of the person proposing them? It would be interesting to see how many get approved. I would expect it's a lot easier to make progress from 'inside the tent' i.e. an employee of Oracle, Red Hat etc.

Having said that, from the link posted by carimura [0] it looks like the author of this one is doing an excellent job of engaging with Brian Goetz and others at oracle.

[0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34485541

For motivation and to see who's involved there are a few other places you can go such as amber-dev [1] and his PR's [2].

[1] https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/amber-dev/2023-January/th...

[2] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+arc...

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