it uses mapbox'es renderer (mapbox-gl) and seems to pull in the CSS from mapbox directly. Might be worth changing to maplibre since it's not using mapbox'es tiles.
It uses Mapbox GL JS v2.x, which is no longer open-source and is tied to the TOS, so the distinction of using Mapbox tiles or not doesn't seem to matter. Just loading the library requires a token from Mapbox.
Can someone elaborate on the word "slippy" in this context? It seems to refer[0] to maps that can be dragged and zoomed. But isn't that all digital maps?
The first one I've interacted with was Google Maps almost two decades ago, which seems to meet the criteria (as well as every alternative I have tried). So I'm not sure what a non-slippy map would be like (or why the word is a necessary qualifier in this context).
As others mentioned there are also many maps meant for printing. There are also map servers that will generate a viewport-specific image (typically meaning no on-the-fly rendering) on demand.
This website is effectively a very powerful game engine (written in Rust and compiled to wasm) running in the browser - I can't easily add a GeoJSON ovrlay, or geolocation, or other web map patterns.
It's come to mean interactive maps web maps, usually tiled image based. This is still a very specific thing in GIS where most published maps are still static documents - and often meant for printing on large format printers in the ALEC world.
“Slippy” was coined by the early OpenStreetMap community (specifically Steve Coast, I think) to mean draggable. It was in contrast with the previous generation of webmaps which had buttons for panning N/S/E/W, each of which would trigger a new page load with a new set of tiles.
I feel like your site is so smooth and really works well.
I wish mapcomplete could work as well but instead it's quite laggy when zooming out a decent amount.