> Another benefit of speculative collision is that I can elminate[sic] the polygon skin/radius on collision shapes. That was necessary to keep shapes separated for the time of impact algorithm. This should no longer be necessary in version 3.0. I never liked this artificial separation of shapes.
Hah! In Planimeter Game Engine 2D, we shrink physics objects by the polygon skin slop so that we can achieve "pixel approximate" physics.[1] We keep sprite sizes the same and as a result there's no visible separation of objects, but Box2D continues to safely separate objects.
afaik, we're the only engine that does this with Box2D, and I think the results end up superior.
Hah! In Planimeter Game Engine 2D, we shrink physics objects by the polygon skin slop so that we can achieve "pixel approximate" physics.[1] We keep sprite sizes the same and as a result there's no visible separation of objects, but Box2D continues to safely separate objects.
afaik, we're the only engine that does this with Box2D, and I think the results end up superior.
[1]: https://github.com/Planimeter/game-engine-2d/blob/master/eng...