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For people who don't like the new look, you can go to preferences->Appearance and select 'Vector (Legacy)'. It does require you to login first which is annoying but at least you can easily go back to the old look.

Edit: You can also have it take up the entire width by hitting the button in the bottom right. Doesn't seem to remember the change for me though so hopefully they add that in soon.

Thank you! I first went back to vector legacy, but then I saw monobook which is the wikipedia of my memories and have swapped there, so now I'm happy.

Kudos to WM for keeping the option for that theme in MediaWiki. Now I have a reason to browse logged in all the time.

IIRC, the button in the bottom right is intended to not remember the change. To make the full width setting persistent, when you're logged in, go to Preferences -> Appearance, and disable "Enable limited width mode".

> You can also have it take up the entire width by hitting the button in the bottom right. Doesn't seem to remember the change for me though so hopefully they add that in soon.

Ooh good spot. That fixes my one issue, the bizarrely narrow column width.

Or you can just use custom CSS, which works not only here but on every site, and has been my preferred way of fixing/reverting horrible decisions.

Thank you! I think this is the first time I've logged in for 10 years.

I don't mind the current UI change, but I wish significant changes would come with a toggle button to let me look at the old and new renderings. I don't think it's possible to mentally "place" the improvements without side-by-side comparisons and affordances for finding edge cases where the new UI may be lacking.

Unfortunately this only works if you have javascript enabled on the site, too, and the awful popups they added made me disable it.

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