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As an appreciator or as a creator? Here's some good first steps either way:

- Go to museums, especially exhibits you're not familiar with.

- Get a sketchbook and draw/doodle. Don't worry about what you're drawing or if it's any good, just fill up paper. Don't think too hard about it. Fill up at least one sketchbook before you watch any "how to draw" books.

- Watch some online humanities and art history videos on youtube. Look up stuff you're wondering like "why do people like art that looks like a 5 year old could make it" or "is a banana taped to a wall really art" (or whatever you wonder about). You might not agree with the presenters but at least you'll understand more where they're coming from. Or learn about particular periods in art history that you think are interesting.

- Make some found art, next time you're throwing away something like a chair or a cardboard box, take it apart and turn it into a sculpture, paint it, and THEN throw it away.

- Look for public art (sanctioned art or unsanctioned street art) in your area. Find some interesting pieces and make a trip to see/photograph them in person. What's different about seeing them in person versus seeing pictures of them? Think about what effort would go into creating them.

- Read some poetry. You can start with someone like Brian Bilson who is pretty accesable.

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