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> Maybe it's unfair of me, the retort is always "it's open source, contribute back!" but alas that is how I felt as a USER before I considered being a CONTRIBUTOR.

Even as a contributor I've found it very frustrating to contribute to Godot.

I've found lots and lots of bugs while working on my own projects using Godot. I spent a lot of time digging in the engine code to figure out the cause, make an issue and a patch if I could.

However, even small changes take a lot of time and effort. While I used Godot 3 for my own projects most of the PRs had to be based against 4. At the time Godot 4 was in a very sorry state and I ran in many, many issues that made it hard to test if the same fix for Godot 3 also works in Godot 4.

I wrote some libraries to work around issues that I (or others) could not get fixed or reverted (e.g. I replaced the physics engine with Rapier3D because I really needed more stable and working joints) but I eventually threw in the towel and decided to focus on other hobbies.

> While I used Godot 3 for my own projects most of the PRs had to be based against 4.

The lack of support for anything than the bleeding edge in open source is a huge issue :(

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