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Ask HN: What do I spend my training allowance on?
2 points by shaftoe444 on Jan 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
My job has given me a £30 (about $36) per month allowance for anything related to learning, training, or wellbeing. How should I spend it?

How about a first aid course? It looks good on a C.V.

"Boss, this course will tell me what to do when an unfit, overweight, 55 year old middle manger appears to be having a heart attack in the office."

Bonus if you can get out of the office for a day to do it.

If you can spend a years budget in one go you could do a one day course to learn to operate cherry pickers and scissor lifts, although that usually involves travelling to a distant industrial estate early in the morning.

It sounds like you are a programmer. The BCS offer a few certifications where you can just read the material and take and exam to get a cert that might look good on your CV.

"Wellbeing"?, Hey boss, can I buy a split keyboard and a vertical mouse to avoid RSI and carpal tunnel syndrome?

"Learning", Hey boss, this trade show that is relevant to our industry has some educational seminars, can I use my budget for train tickets and lunch and be out of the office for a day?

Some good ideas, thanks. I hadn't thought about using it for lunch and travel for stuff outside the office but that would be useful.

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