I really like KDE but one thing that saddens me is the state of the office stuff - like KMail, KOrganizer, Desktop Search etc.pp - there was an ambitious project called Nepomuk for Semantic Desktop and that failed 10 years ago? And the Backend launches a full MySQL at the moment - I hope someday all of this will be streamlined get's an UI update and a fast database i.e. https://github.com/cozodb/cozo and the features will come back. Also KMail needs some usability improvements...
If this stuff would work and not crash adding calendars/todo-lists in the ui would hopefully work and the original ideas and research concepts could be implemented in a fast an good way.
> And the Backend launches a full MySQL at the moment
You are allowed to run SQLite instead, install package `akonadi-server-sqlite` and edit `~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc`. Unfortunately, `akonadiconsole` does not offer this customisation in the GUI for some reason.
thanks - I didn't know about this. I actually like and enjoy this it's just that it's missing polish but this is not the fault of the devs who do hard work for an difficult and almost impossible problem without lot's of ressources and even then it's still difficult to get right.
Unfortunately it's the last 5% of polish -- coming up with cool tech is interesting, tracking down that one weird bug in Akonadi that makes mail break randomly after 3 months of working fine is much less enticing.
If this stuff would work and not crash adding calendars/todo-lists in the ui would hopefully work and the original ideas and research concepts could be implemented in a fast an good way.
Well, one can dream :)