True, but we are not postulating an employer who's customers prefer not to be served by a pregnant woman.
I believe you stated under "normal circumstances" discrimination is disadvantageous. I am not sure exactly what you would consider "normal circumstances", but I was merely giving an example where discrimination would be an advantage.
We are merely postulating an employer who wants his employees to show up for work.
Which can lead to discrimination because a woman may be turned down for a job because of something she has no control over, her ability to become pregnant, regardless of if she actually has plans to become pregnant or not, or is even fertile.
In that case, why bother with any laws on the topic at all? After all, those who do discriminate would continue to do so.
People still murder others even though it's illegal. Why have laws against murder? They obviously don't work.
No, but it does mitigate the harm that her pregnancy causes for her employer.
Isn't the biggest harm losing an employee & having to hire someone new? That happens regardless of leave laws. True it might be less hassle now that they can fire a now expectant mother, but they probably would save themselves even that hassle by not hiring a woman in the first place.
People still murder others even though it's illegal.
Do you actually believe this claim?
"I would imagine that those who don't murder would continue to not murder while those who do murder would continue to do so. Removing the law doesn't make murderers any less likel to kill."
If not, your analogy is faulty.
Isn't the biggest harm losing an employee & having to hire someone new?
Did you even read the article? ...not only I couldn't fire her while she's away, I couldn't fire her when she comes back either. So I would have to fire the one who's been working instead of her for the whole time. When a woman would come back from the maternity leave I would be legally forced to increase her salary to the present level in her position, and also, give out her normal vacation days...
I would imagine that murderers would still murder & those who don't like to murder wouldn't murder. Laws don't enforce themselves, people still break them & sometimes get away with it. That is no reason to repeal them.
I couldn't fire her when she comes back either...
What would be the point of saving her job for her if you're allowed to fire her immediately upon her return?
So I would have to fire the one who's been working instead of her for the whole time.
So long as it's clear that the job was a temporary fill-in position, I don't see a problem with this.
When a woman would come back from the maternity leave I would be legally forced to increase her salary to the present level in her position...
Like you would have to offer any other employee at that position.
I believe you stated under "normal circumstances" discrimination is disadvantageous. I am not sure exactly what you would consider "normal circumstances", but I was merely giving an example where discrimination would be an advantage.
We are merely postulating an employer who wants his employees to show up for work.
Which can lead to discrimination because a woman may be turned down for a job because of something she has no control over, her ability to become pregnant, regardless of if she actually has plans to become pregnant or not, or is even fertile.
In that case, why bother with any laws on the topic at all? After all, those who do discriminate would continue to do so.
People still murder others even though it's illegal. Why have laws against murder? They obviously don't work.
No, but it does mitigate the harm that her pregnancy causes for her employer.
Isn't the biggest harm losing an employee & having to hire someone new? That happens regardless of leave laws. True it might be less hassle now that they can fire a now expectant mother, but they probably would save themselves even that hassle by not hiring a woman in the first place.