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Countries usually decide whether to grant visa-free travel based on the likelihood that travellers from that country will become illegal immigrants. For Nepal, this is considered very likely. For North Korea, it's exceedingly unlikely, because it's so difficult to leave the country in the first place, those who are allowed to leave are carefully vetted, and their family back home is essentially held hostage to ensure they return.

Sure, but illegal immigration is hardly the only reason for visas (many countries have concerns over organised crime for example), and it ranks well below other countries that have similar reputations for illegal immigration. For example Congo and South Sudan rank higher and given the refugee numbers from those countries I'd imagine they are a large source of illegal immigration too.

Do you imagine that there is a meaningful increase in desirable tourism to be derived from granting Nepalese visa-free entry?

I don't know but I'd imagine more than North Korea. I've worked with Nepalise programmers so business travel is certainly a reasonable reason.

But I imagine a lot of tourists from rich countries would enjoy visa free travel to Nepal, and reciprocal rights is a thing.

Maybe that's what explains it? Nepal doesn't grant visa free travel to many countries so not many grant it in return?

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