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Russian passport in the top 50?


There are a lot of countries that we in the west don't really care about that are aligned with Russia.

Kazakhstan being one example of a country that is so unknown to the west it was used for comedy.

There's also a lot of "ties" in that top 50 too, 49 is not an enviable position.

There are actually 90 countries that are stronger.

>> Kazakhstan For what's worth Russia said at some point last year that Kazakhstan is not a real country...it's actually part of Russia. If the Ukraine invasion works out for Russia(highly unlikely) I'm pretty sure these countries will be next.

Maybe they meant RF base passport + the Cypriot paid DLC?

[Edit: no, it's actually very reasonable, on a par with Moldova and Georgia. Cyprus —which advertises in Cyrillic— is in the top 20]

Cypriot passport described as "DLC" gave me a chuckle :)

Ooo downloadable content for passports?

If you look carefully, it's not: it's "rank" 49, but most ranks have more than one country, so it's actually down around 100+.

That's not how ranks are supposed to work, this list is dumb. If two countries are #2 there should be no #3 and skip directly to #4.

Phew... those most impacted by any downgrade already have UAE, Israeli, Portuguese, and Cypriot passports.

Why not?

Russia is under sanctions for ongoing war crimes.

Try to travel with russian passport in any civilized country.

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