> Because it’s mature, well integrated with Django and is a path so well-trodden
> Cron is awful for this use-case. You end up just inventing Celery
Isn't it the other way around?
Crons are way more mature, well integrated (mgmt commands don't require 3rd party modules), and extremely well trodden. Crons are super predictable, have sensible defaults and plenty of tooling. Which you will have to reinvent with Celery.
There are some benefits to programmatic crons, but the downsides are huge.
> Cron is awful for this use-case. You end up just inventing Celery
Isn't it the other way around?
Crons are way more mature, well integrated (mgmt commands don't require 3rd party modules), and extremely well trodden. Crons are super predictable, have sensible defaults and plenty of tooling. Which you will have to reinvent with Celery.
There are some benefits to programmatic crons, but the downsides are huge.