Those graphs in the article look too close to placebo. So I wonder why antidepressants are still prescribed to treat any kind of disorder and not only, well, genuine psychogenic depression.
The thing is psychogenic aspect is overrated. In reality, there are multitudes of other pathologies that may cause a condition. For instance, metabolic dysfunction, poisoning, Lyme disease.
And if one treats only the consequence and not the cause then the probability of a successful recovery becomes negligible.
Should we do more comparisons to no treatment? (Placebo is not "no treatment", that's why we have placebo effect.) Three cohorts, medication, placebo medication, no treatment. There must have been studies like this?
> Those graphs in the article look too close to placebo. So I wonder why antidepressants are still prescribed to treat any kind of disorder and not only, well, genuine psychogenic depression.
Another article goes deeper into this issue (ie. why do meta-studies show a statistically significant difference, but the difference is so small?)
The thing is psychogenic aspect is overrated. In reality, there are multitudes of other pathologies that may cause a condition. For instance, metabolic dysfunction, poisoning, Lyme disease. And if one treats only the consequence and not the cause then the probability of a successful recovery becomes negligible.