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Ask HN: Sharp increase in Geo-Blocking? Error code 1020
2 points by aaron695 on Jan 8, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
Has Cloudflare made geo-blocking easier recently?

I'm seeing it a lot more outside of the US accessing US sites. Mostly Commerce.

Blocked on other computers/phones on different IPs. Works via VPN

Examples -

Error code 1020 - https://www.commercialcafe.com

Different geo-blocker - "You don't have permission to access "http://www.homedepot.ca/product/fiskars-bow-saw-24-/1000162227" on this server. Reference #18.xxxxxxx"

If a company makes >99.9% of profits within North America, blocking access for the rest of the world might antagonize a few legit users but may offer some "advantages", too. E.g. not having to worry about European regulations and making it more difficult for non-domestic bots and threat actors to mess with the websites.

I hate to say it, but it's just geoblocking. (Mind cloudflare hates me most of the time across all regions.) I've experienced this (geoblocking) sort of behaviour, for what must be close to 17 years. But Australia seems to be the backyard to test out little ideas. I don't think a day goes by without I run into it ... if I cared enough I might use that proxy ... nah f'em who cares, lets move onwards.

Could also be some shenanigans happening on your provider's side

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