So my wife's school had a 4th grader bring in a taser and threaten a kid with it before break- where does a kid even get a taser? He's back at school. I'll leave it to the reader to decide whether that's a detriment to learning or if it's that my wife is just another spoiled teacher.
Around here the very worst district pays better than any other public schools around. Lots of aid dollars flowing in because the district's so bad.
My wife subbed at one of their elementary schools once when taking a break from full-time teaching to care for our kids.
It was on lockdown that day—and, apparently, many days—over credible threats of violence. Nobody told her this, so she found out when she poked her head out the classroom door and got yelled at by a cop for opening the door. Early elementary kids swore at her and refused to do any work, and there was nothing she could do about it. Admin couldn't handle minor stuff like that because they had multiple fights that day to deal with, despite the lockdown. The other teachers told her they were threatened with violence on the regular—by, like, 3rd graders—and occasionally attacked.