That's a lot of machinery which I feel is going to benefit relatively few people and cases. I suppose I should learn it just in case but my suspicion is that MS is adding extra stuff which they hope people will use which will act as a lock-in to C#. Ergo the benefit of this is to MS not to the end user ISTM.
And it mihjt be possible to add a static method to array to index backwards yourself (Can't remember what they are called, but look and act like methods on the object but aren't).
All standard .NET collections with defined order and O(1) indexing support indexing backwards.
And no, it's not possible to do this using an extension method, unfortunately - there are no extension properties or indexers in C# (yet; it's something that keeps coming up). But then again, if and when they add extension indexers, this arrangement with a custom type is what'd allow you to write one that does backwards indexing on a collection type that doesn't support it out of the box.
Nim, which is not controlled by a corporation, does it the exact same way. The unary ^ operator applied to an integer creates a value of type BackwardIndex.
@int_19h, @xigoi perhsps you're right but how many times have you ever indexed backwards? Other, I grant, than to get the last item in a list. If it's more general then reversing the list would be better, alternatively you might have
which the compiler could guasrantee to recognise and simply implement as a calculation.
Well, I write plenty of Python code, so it actually comes up quite often. The annoyance with Python is that it just treats negative values as magic, so if you accidentally end up with a computed negative index, it silently does the wrong thing. But the alternative approach with explicit index-from-end syntax - whether like in C# and Nim, or like Julia and Matlab - doesn't have that problem; it's pure convenience.
And yes, of course, you can always do the same in some other, more verbose way. But why should we tolerate that verbosity when there's a solution that makes code both shorter and more readable? I rather hope that more languages will adopt one of these techniques.
(per your other posts, extension methods is their name. And they aren't supported here, got it).
> it silently does the wrong thing
yeah, my original complaint was this
> why should we tolerate that verbosity when there's a solution that makes code both shorter and more readable?
Because it's a balance. How much it benefits how many users to what degree vs. extra cost of implementation and maintenance. If you're not careful you go down the kitchen sink road and end up with bloat. Be careful when adding stuff cos you have to support it forever.