> Maybe then they'll be replaced with more honest business models. Which, incidentally, can include opting in to ads based on personal data if that is what people knowingly choose.
The GDPR requires that consent to use of personal data for other purposes must not affect the user experience for the main product. Therefore, the company must offer the main product without reference to any opting in to personalised ads. This effectively sets the monetary value of opting in to zero at the user/company interface.
An organisation could try and fund their operation through opt-ins, because the monetary value of opt-ins is still positive at the advertiser/company interface. However that fact encourages the company to use nefarious tactics on the users, which is clearly what has happened in this particular case. I'd like to see this incentive die, but I think that all the time this valuation remains positive there will be companies that try it on.
I get frustrated at the number of apps and web sites that place opt-in as a paywall to access. It's outrageously and explicitly illegal, but enforcement is lacking.
The GDPR requires that consent to use of personal data for other purposes must not affect the user experience for the main product. Therefore, the company must offer the main product without reference to any opting in to personalised ads. This effectively sets the monetary value of opting in to zero at the user/company interface.
An organisation could try and fund their operation through opt-ins, because the monetary value of opt-ins is still positive at the advertiser/company interface. However that fact encourages the company to use nefarious tactics on the users, which is clearly what has happened in this particular case. I'd like to see this incentive die, but I think that all the time this valuation remains positive there will be companies that try it on.
I get frustrated at the number of apps and web sites that place opt-in as a paywall to access. It's outrageously and explicitly illegal, but enforcement is lacking.