> Second best is to argue for addition or removal of rules.
What would we base our arguments for adding or removing rules upon? Financial incentives? Upon what will we base our assumption that financial incentives are important? Logical arguments are great, but after going down a layer or two we find there are only moral arguments. They are not pointless.
The above was going to be my first response, but then I took a step back and tried to address your argument as a whole.
I'm guessing you haven't spent much time considering moral philosophy, but even simplified toy examples, like the Trolley Problem quickly move past purely logical arguments and are firmly in the subjective realm. We won't be able to have a philosophical discussion here, but if you want I'd recommend the book "How to Be Perfect" as a relatively fun read on the subject and a good introduction.
> What would we base our arguments for adding or removing rules upon?
In practice we use a lot of things to attempt to convince a population to be for/against a law. We do it based on emotion (i.e. how much outrage/empathy/fear can be mustered on this particular crime), a sense of fairness sometimes.
But almost all the arguments using morals are poor ones - the against argument for female bodily autonomy is argued using morals, for example, and it didn't work.
Same-sex marriages weren't won by making moral arguments inasmuch the other side lost by making moral arguments.
When you see an argument based on morals, replace the word "morals" with "my god says so", because in practice that is all it is.
> if you want I'd recommend the book "How to Be Perfect" as a relatively fun read on the subject and a good introduction.
Thanks, I'll have a look for it. I'm afraid it seems that I haven't convinced you that arguing from morals is pointless, but I'm going to try one more time :-)
But, I respect your position, and it is not an uncommon one.
... so, parting thought ...
How can you continue an argument using your moral position as support, when the other party can dismiss your argument by saying that your moral position is inferior to his?
What would we base our arguments for adding or removing rules upon? Financial incentives? Upon what will we base our assumption that financial incentives are important? Logical arguments are great, but after going down a layer or two we find there are only moral arguments. They are not pointless.
The above was going to be my first response, but then I took a step back and tried to address your argument as a whole.
I'm guessing you haven't spent much time considering moral philosophy, but even simplified toy examples, like the Trolley Problem quickly move past purely logical arguments and are firmly in the subjective realm. We won't be able to have a philosophical discussion here, but if you want I'd recommend the book "How to Be Perfect" as a relatively fun read on the subject and a good introduction.