I'll post this as a reply to your comment because I think other people will have this concern when it comes to content creation.
You do not need a really beefy computer to edit videos especially when you're starting out. A Canva Pro subscription is a couple of hundred dollars and will let you upload all your footage and then edit it within the browser meaning you don't need to have a powerful computer. If you grow your channel and your needs change then just cancel Canva and buy that bigger machine you need. Use your phone or something on the cheaper end (of cameras) like a GoPro to record.
i had no idea that canva did video as well as images. would you call it having all the basics or are there noticeable features missing compared to say Screenflow?
I’ve never used screenflow so I can’t talk about that but in terms of features Canva has everything I want as a very amateur creator. The elements, animations and transitions are all easy to use and work really well out of the box. The preset elements and designs can help speed up videos too since you don’t need to find stock footage or gifs elsewhere, just search in Canva.
You do not need a really beefy computer to edit videos especially when you're starting out. A Canva Pro subscription is a couple of hundred dollars and will let you upload all your footage and then edit it within the browser meaning you don't need to have a powerful computer. If you grow your channel and your needs change then just cancel Canva and buy that bigger machine you need. Use your phone or something on the cheaper end (of cameras) like a GoPro to record.